Featured News 2016 Home Maintenance Tips for November

Home Maintenance Tips for November

November means beautiful shades of orange, yellow and red. It means pumpkin pie, turkey, and annual family gatherings that resemble Norman Rockwell paintings. Sure, some people call November a "transitional month," but we think homeowners should consider it the month to prepare for the winter.

November is cold, but it's not quite as frosty and snowy as December and January. Before it gets too cold to do work outdoors, take the month of November to get your home ready for the rough weather ahead. We know you're busy, especially with the holidays around the bend, so here is a list of some home maintenance tips that should be completed before Turkey Day!

Weatherproof your home. Locate all of the open spaces and cracks in your home and seal them up. These cracks let the heat out and the cold in, so make sure you look for them around the baseboards, wall and ceiling junctures, lighting fixtures, and electrical outlets. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, reducing drafts can translate into an energy savings of up to 30% a year.

Have your HVAC system serviced. Make sure your HVAC system is running smoothly and efficiently before you really need it. This way, you prevent it from breaking down in the middle of winter, and you save money on energy bills while you're at it.

Clean your patio furniture before storing it away. Thoroughly clean your patio furniture before storing it away for the winter. It's much easier to clean it now, instead of doing it in the spring when it's a lot harder to remove caked-on dirt and grime.

Keep the critters out. Critters are just like people, when it's cold outside they'll seek heat. But, unlike us, mice and snakes can sneak into our homes through a tiny hole. You don't want to share a home with rodents and snakes! If you have any damaged roof tiles, attic vents, or holes around your plumbing, make the necessary repairs or seal up any holes that could be entryways for unwanted pests.

Clean up the dead leaves. Dead leaves may be fun for children to play in, but they wreak havoc on your lawn and if they're left there, they can actually kill it. Rake them, bag them up, and let the garbage collector haul them away.

If you need legal advice regarding buying or selling a property, or another real estate matter, contact a real estate attorney near you!

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