Featured News 2019 What You Should Know Before Building a Pool

What You Should Know Before Building a Pool

If you are planning to put a pool in at your home, there are some important regulations that homeowners should know about. Building a pool is a commitment that will require dedication throughout your time at the home you build it at. Knowing these challenges will help you be ready to start your ownership of a pool on the right foot. Remember, pools typically do not increase the market value of a home. So, knowing the pros and cons of owning a pool will help you decide if it is the right commitment for you and your family.

Obtain the Right Permits

Don't hire a pool builder until you are sure that you have all the necessary permits and paperwork to start construction. Many cities, town, or counties consider building a pool to be an extensive addition to a home. You can't break ground on your new pool until you have received a building permit. Additionally, you may need to obtain electrical and gas permits for the construction of new systems for your pool. These permits can be costly, so it is always best to find out how much they are in your area.

Safety Standards & Regulations for Pools

Every area has unique rules for pool safety. On the federal level, all pools and spas must adhere to the Federal Pool and Spa Safety Act. This act mandates the manufacture, import, and sale of suction outlet fittings. All new pool owners must install anti-entrapment drain covers in their pool.

Your pool may be inspected for safety by a government official, depending on the rules in your state. An inspector will look for dangerous edges on your deck, and cracks in your pool. They will also check your pool’s skimmer and ensure that you have the proper drain covers installed. Finally, they’ll verify that your pool’s setting is a safe environment for swimming.

Pool Security

Many states require that a pool is enclosed with a high fence which children cannot open or climb. For example, Arizona requires that all households with children under the age of 6 to enclose their pool with a fence or wall. Drowning is the leading cause of young children at home, so enclosing a pool properly is essential for safety.

Warning Signs for Pools

Inspectors will also want to see if you have safety signs at your pool. Some states will require that pools of a certain depth have “No Diving” signs posted. They may also require that a pool area with slick surfaces have warnings for guests to avoid running in the area. Many states also require instructions for CPR/CCR to be posted near a pool. Additionally, these signs should list numbers for all local emergency responders in the area.

Pool Maintenance

Pools utilize a network of pipes, pumps, and filters to stay clean. These systems require extensive maintenance to continue working, and all pools need chemical treatments to stay clear and safe to swim in. Local pool and spa maintenance stores will help you maintain your pool. However, if you do not have the time to maintain your pool yourself, weekly pool service is likely available from a local business. Before building your pool, become acquainted with the cost of maintaining one long-term.

Educate Your Children

When building a pool, you are committing to never leave a child unattended in the pool area. However, you should also prepare your children in case they manage to get into the pool on their own. Help your child become a great swimmer through swimming lessons and show your child the easiest way to exit your pool—it could save their life during an emergency. Remember that flotation devices are never a substitute for adult supervision.

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